
Saturday 13 October 2012

Personal Reflection of my Journey as TL

What need to be Strengthened and Personal Change
Task C
·         Advocate for adoption of school wide model for IL – principals, teachers (leadership)
·         Common language and approach used throughout school
·         Teachers having ownership of IL model and applying to all curriculum subjects
·         In-service teachers as to what IL is
·         Collaborative planning and program design with classroom teachers incorporating IL taught as part of teacher training
·         Transference from subject to subject – check what herring says
Common language for IL
·         School wide development of information literacy
·         Research has shown that principal support is a key factor in the implementation of effective school library or information literacy programs in schools. Henri, Hay, Oberg 2002).  Work with students and other learning community members to develop information literacy skills within the framework of best practice pedagogy based on up-to-date knowledge of learning and teaching practices (Braxton, Teacher Librarian; Feb2008, Vol. 35 Issue 3, p22-26, 5p
·         A school wide information literacy program takes organisation and commitment from the administrator and a collaborative effort from classroom teachers and the teacher librarian. 
individual educator reluctance, or inability, to learn and implement new methods.
Todd’s conclusion that the results “point to the value of both a process approach and an integrated approach to information skills instruction” (Conclusion section, para. 1) support the plan to implement an information literacy program (Todd, 1995 – Integrated information skills instruction: does it make a difference – School library media quarterly 23(2)
Collaboratively planning and presenting an information literacy program is as much about educating the teachers to a constructivist approach as it is about helping class groups
develop valuable knowledge and skills. The success of such a program is dependent on the development of strong professional relationships that allow for a true team approach in which each partner respects the other’s expertise. With neither partner taking a lead or supporting role, not only is the integration of curricular and information literacy objectives maximized, the importance of both is emphasized.

Need to develop a culture of transference and reinforce this transference across the curriculum (Herring 2010)

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